*Parents, please take time to familiarize yourself and your student with our expectations for campers. These rules are in place to help foster an environment of spiritual connection with God and to keep our campers, counselors, and staff safe. It Is the expectation of OneCamp Leadership that our counselors partner with us to ensure that all campers abide by these rules for the duration of camp.*
Before you leave!
* Please do not bring any of the following: cell phones, iPods, iPads, electronic games, electronic books/e-Bibles, laptops, skateboards and fireworks. If these items are brought to camp, they will be taken up by cabin leaders and returned at the end of the week.
* All clothing must be camp activity appropriate, cover your stomach (boys and girls) and shorts should be modest in length. Shoes must be worn at all times. Closed toed shoes are encouraged to prevent injuries, especially during games and other activities! PLEASE use your best judgment in packing for camp, remembering the goal and purpose of OneCamp. Camp counselors will ask campers to change into appropriate clothing if necessary.
While you’re here!
Above all, we expect every camper, counselor and adult at OneCamp to treat each other with respect, dignity, and love. We want everyone to feel safe and valued. Therefore, we cannot allow anyone participating in the following activities to remain with us at OneCamp:
*Pranking. It can be dangerous and potentially costly to FFA and our churches. Pranking is not allowed and will be dealt with by the Youth Pastors.
*Any form of bullying or disrespectful behavior
*Smoking, vaping, juuling, drinking alcoholic beverages or taking non-prescription drugs
*Being out of cabins after lights out
*Male campers must stay on the male side of the camp and females on the female side of camp. Male campers are never allowed in female cabins, and vice versa. Unoccupied cabins are off limits.
The Pastoral leadership of OneCamp and the youth ministries of the Transformation Network reserve the right to send any camper, counselor, or staff home for behaviors not listed above, that are detrimental to camp or the other campers.